Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lose Weight - Calories: A Well-Nourished Person

Being physically fit is what everyone wants but sometimes we often forget many things with regards to food. Instead of eating healthy we tend to eat foods that are high in calories, which make the person malnourished. A well-nourished person eats a balance diet and exercise regularly. In describing a well-nourished person, we simply described them as a healthy person.
Anyway this is logical for the food a person eats provides the raw materials out of which all body process are supported and maintained. This means that the well nourished person has sufficient protein in his or her diet. He or she may have an adequate supply of minerals and the body tissue have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for energy at the same time the right amount of fat. A well-nourished person have a good intake of vitamins to keep the tissue and all the vital organs in good condition.
Now how to lose weight and reduce your calorie intake?
We need to remember and accept the fact that we have done common nutritional sins that makes our diet dysfunctional to us. Eating too much is the first nutritional sin on the list. We tend to eat too much especially when we go on a hunger strike, absence of a meal, and lastly if we like the food that is being serve. Eating too much food more than our body requires may result in becoming overweight. Next is eating snacks. As people we are fond of eating snacks,snacks tend to lessen the appetite of a person; it deprives them of eating a regular meal and deprives the digestive organs of its normal rhythmic functions.
It also tends to raise the calorie intake and it can encourage the eating of junk food which is also high in calorie. Aside from that eating too much sugar like candy bars, ice cream, soft drinks and confectioners can cause too much intake of calories. Eating too much processed food is another nutritional sin that people often forget. People who are busy don't give them selves time to eat right and tends to eat canned goods or other processed food that can be eaten without cooking it. There is no adequate substitute for eating fresh foods, for eating processed food deprives the body of important food elements which are lost in whole or in part, by the intake of much of the processed food.
Another nutritional sin that the people usually do is neglecting breakfast or the absence of eating breakfast. People usually neglect breakfast for the reason that they don't have time. The failing of getting enough sleep for the reason of not getting in bed early and getting up late which they need to prepare quickly to get to work early, meetings and activities.This becomes a habit to the many of us which sometimes didn't feel hungry for breakfast,we tends to eat a mid morning snacks which dulls the appetite for the noon meal which could lead to bad eating habits. Since the start of the day and all energy that is being stored in the body is drawn and partly depleted during the nighttime, it is a must that we eat breakfast to replenish all the energy that is being depleted. For that reason the term breakfast implies the first meal of the day. If we continue this bad habit it could lead to the increase of the calorie intake and it could lead to the improper work of vital organs and hormones which could make people malnourished and over weight.
Losing weight is not only for people who want to be sexy, but it implies the health condition of every individual. Too much intake of calories can cause many disorder in our body. It is also advisable, and it is a must to minimize your calorie intake for you to be fit and healthy. Here are some tips on how to lose weight and calories. First be sure to check the Minimum Daily Recommended Allowances for Basic Food Elements. Every individual have different needs of calorie. The active your work are the higher calorie you will need. Planned your meal in advance or ahead of time, it is necessary to plan your meal ahead of time to ensure that you will be taking healthy meal, and could avoid you to eat in fast food chains. Then get enough sleep, getting enough sleep makes your organ work well. It could make your skin healthy and glowing. Enough sleep helps you relax your nerves and tone up your muscles. Regular exercise and meditation, aside from the balance diet regular exercise and meditation is important. It helps you tone up your muscle, teach you the proper way of breathing and at the same time regulate organs properly and finally avoid stressed. It could let you eat much, and increase your caloric intake. And the last but not the lease losing weight doesn't mean you have to skip meals. Absence of meals is a one reason of increase of the calorie intake. So if you wanted to lose your weight and your calorie intake your must never skip any meal. Six small meals are better than the three big meals. Stay fit and healthy.

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